A funny web page about tongue diagnosis.
12.26.2008Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Information for Patients, Tongue
11.03.2008Here you have an article about multi-bed acupuncture clinics, that is a recent successful phenomenon in the United Kingdom. A practitioner treats more than one patient per hour in the same room, like in China.
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Etiquetes de comentaris: Clinical Practice, News
10.26.2008A study done by the Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Beijing’s China Academy of Chinese Medical Science has investigated whether electroacupuncture could improve learning and memory which was typically impaired in diabetic rats with cerebral ischemia.
After electroacupuncture treatment, the long-term potentiation (LTP) impaired by both diabetes and cerebral ischemia was restored significantly. These results suggest that electroacupuncture can ameliorate learning and memory capacity impaired.
Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Neurology
10.02.2008 Here is a very interesting article about moxibustion from "Chinese Medicine Times". You can't miss it!
Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Clinical Practice, Moxibustion
9.11.2008I give you a website where patients can watch informative videos about acupuncture. They offer video content on various aspects of acupuncture: the purpose, the procedure itself, the dangers or the biological effect.
Enviat per M.Dolors 1 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Information for Patients
9.02.2008 I recommend you an interesting 3D model of human anatomy. I think it can be very useful!
Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Anatomy
9.01.2008Here are British Medical Acupuncture Society courses and other forthcoming meetings.
Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Congress
8.12.2008Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Gynecology
5.07.2008Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Anatomy
4.30.2008Spring is paired with the wood element in Chinese Medicine and the organ that represents it is the liver.
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Acupuncture and public health insurance
4.02.2008British Columbia will become the first Canadian province to cover acupuncture on the provincial Medical Services Plan. The move is effective since April 1.
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Etiquetes de comentaris: News
Cupping Therapy
3.12.2008Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Clinical Practice
Acupuncture Treatment for Obesity
3.11.2008A study edited at the Medical Acupuncture journal suggests the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in weight loss in patients already following a diet and exercise regimen.
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Etiquetes de comentaris: Obesity
Western Science Meets Eastern Wisdom
That was the title of a conference organized last year in Italy. Even though the kernel of discussions was not only Chinese Medicine, I believe that the theme is interesting enough. We need a starting point to investigate the dynamic interactions between spiritual insight and scientific analysis to create a new paradigm of modern science. This is the goal of medical acupuncture, isn't it?
Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: conferences
Acupuncture and dysmenorrhea
3.10.2008Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Gynecology
Chinese medicine books: online shop
If it interests you to be on the day of the last novelties about Chinese medicine you can look at this Australian web page.
Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Books
Heart channel for uses other than for shen problems
Enviat per M.Dolors 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Channels
How to contact me
3.09.2008If you'd like to make any suggestions about this site or send me a private comment via email, I can be reached at:
About Medical Acupuncture
3.08.2008Blog on medical acupuncture where information of the last studies turned up, dates of congresses, as well as technical datum of points or channels is given. It is a blog in which the collaboration of everybody will be very welcome.
Dr Ruiz Morilla is a Family Medicine specialist, is a graduate of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, she completed a Master of Acupuncture at the University of Barcelona and a postgraduate course in Western Asia for the Open University of Catalonia
3.07.2008New blog on medical acupuncture where information updated about this practice will be given and we will attempt to solve doubts of users who propose them to us.
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