

Spring is paired with the wood element in Chinese Medicine and the organ that represents it is the liver.

Wood exemplifies the energy of growth and change and is very active and allows for a lot of movement and progress, both internally and externally. When constrained, it is the energy of frustration, anger and stress.

The Liver governs the muscles and tendons, the eyes, and the fingernails, and is important in the functioning of the reproductive system. It is also responsible for the smooth flow of mental and physical energy, and assists all the other organ systems in functioning properly. Liver qi allows for the appropriate movement of emotions, and has an especially strong connection with the feelings of anger and frustration.
At this time of year, we may have more energy to get moving on projects. At the same time, areas of frustration can be especially apparent.
Problems that bothered us in the winter often start to feel better, and we find we have more energy and vigor because liver qi flows easily. Spring can be a hard time for health issues that are related to qi stagnation, but is a really good time to work with these blockages, and get things moving so we can have access to all that great energy.

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